Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Anniversary Year Begins

Today I finished signing several thousand (that's not even an exaggeration) letters that will arrive at the homes of alums, parents, and friends of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High School in the next few weeks. My letter announces the 50th anniversary of our school. It is a time to look back at the traditions, joys, and struggles that our school family has experienced and a time to look forward to providing a great education, that touches both mind and heart, for students now and in the future.
It is my hope that this blog chronicles some of these experiences, past and present. Those of you who know me are sure to be a bit frightened at this moment because you know that I could talk for hours (that's not an exaggeration either) about Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. I came to the campus in 1983 as a young professional, fell in love with the people and the place, and have stayed forever it seems. I have watched many children grow up including my own and have gained countless experiences about what to do with what life throws at us-- good and bad. I have learned that it is our faith and our community that allows us not only to "make it through" but to live a life that is full and happy.
Tom Rose, our Director of Development, has convinced me that I should take technology head-on and communicate via this blog. He even believes that some of you will enjoy reading what I have to write. I hope so!
So, when your letter arrives and you look up this site I will be ready to greet you with memories and new information. There are many truths I have learned along life's way but I am certain that this one ranks high--Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High School has been and continues to be a special place that is blessed by wonderful people(especially our kids). It is a school that has remained faithful to our mission to educate students in the ways of the heart as well as the head and to lead them to an understanding and appreciation of God, themselves, and their community. I have always found this mission inspiring and challenging. It's a good thing we have our patroness working for us!
So, welcome to the anniversary year chronicle! I have so much to tell you! Oh my goodness, I have taken the "blogging plunge" and we are off on a new adventure!

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