Saturday, September 12, 2009

Living Through the First Week of School

I know that for most people, the calendar year sets the pace of one's days. Other than the big holidays, one week is very much like another. The experience of all those involved in education, however, recognizes that New Year's Day is really in September when the new school year begins. The pace changes and accelerates for students, teachers, and parents. Everyone gets up earlier, feels and is busier, and tries to adjust to the responsibilities of the school year. It is often a tough transition!
I am happy to report that all of us at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel made it through our first week with good spirits and enthusiasm. We had fun! It was Welcome Week which is sponsored by Student Government. The week included the Opening of School Mass, a Clubs Presentation, Honors Assembly,PTSA Back to School Night, distribution of yearbooks, and an ice cream sundae social on Friday at lunch. Every activity was well planned and added to the excitement of the week.
At the Mass on Wednesday, Fr. Bob talked about living in "hope" and acting out of our faith. He talked about really believing in our own future and making good things happen for ourselves and our community. Several students spoke, too, about how important the support of the Carmel community has been for them as they faced some difficult decisions and situations. I am always amazed and touched by how articulate our students are and the maturity of their thinking. A community of people who care about each other is a joy in happy times and a real comfort in difficult ones.
The Honors Assembly was great too. So many students who earned honor status for last term last year got Honor Cards. Mr. Naunton also recognized scholar athletes who managed to play sports and earn honors. Many of you know how many hours of effort it takes to be on a team and the exhaustion that accompanies that commitment. I was elated to hear that more than half of our athletes are also on the Honor Roll.
When the yearbooks were distributed on Friday, there was plenty of commenting by returning graduates and current students. Even they could see how much they had grown up in a year! Mr. Bunn and his yearbook staff did a great job on the book and it is overflowing with great photos. It really is a keepsake.
So, this first week of school was overflowing with activities not to mention it was the first week of classes--and the start of homework-- for everyone. No wonder everyone was tired by Friday afternoon!
Our Student Government really did a great job of pulling the week together without disrupting the classes. I am very proud to say that our SGA has been recognized as a "Council of Excellence"--the only one in Maryland, I might add! This recognition comes from following the guidelines of the organization and going above and beyond in terms of leadership training, organizational planning, and character development. I am so proud of our young leaders!
Though this first week of school was exciting, I am hoping for a little more hum-drum next week. Some of us (me!) are still trying to get up early and not fall asleep before the evening news is over!

1 comment:

  1. These are all great posts. They remind me of the great sense of community that is always felt at OLMC. It almost makes me wish that I was once again a freshmen, anxiously awaiting for my turn in the pool on the 3rd floor.

    Kyle Pfeiffer, 2005
