Monday, October 26, 2009

Open House Time

One of the most important days of the fall for Catholic schools is the day of Open House. At Our Lady of Mt. Carmel High School it is a celebration day. Each department plans a presentation that conveys information about course options and also gives a sense of the creativity of the department. This year there was a fantasy Spanish/French restaurant, games about events in history, and a gooey science experiment that resulted in a homemade version of play-doh. There were also club displays,a dance performance, and athletic presentations. What a busy and excciting night for our school and for the middle school students who came to check out the program.
This year our Open House was well attended and good spirited! The best part of the evening for me was the presence of so many of our current students. Students volunteerd to lead the tours, participate in the presentations, and mingle with visitors. This year our students did an exceptional job--They looked poised and in uniform, and they spoke with knowledge and affection about our school. I was so proud of them! They are really our best resource as well as the reason we work so hard to "deliver" on our promise of an excellent, Catholic education for each of them.
Many parents also spent the evening sharing the Carmel experience with visitors. They, too, spoke about the community spirit so evident at Mt. Carmel. As I looked out at the crowd, I was so grateful for the positive relationships shared by all of us in the Carmel family. What a wonderful place to learn--where the presence of every student is valued!
So, our Open House event was a busy, exciting, and exhausting evening. I think those who visited were impressed by our programs and our community. Share the good news--If you know a middle school student who wants a "quality education with a a personal touch" please send them our way!

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