Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Saga of Two Bull Roasts

One of the truths about Catholic schools is that in order to make things work, people have to work together. This dictum is true on many levels--students have to do their work, parents have to work hard and sacrifice to afford the tuition, everyone works to build the community, and we hope that the Holy Spirit "works" to make education of both heart and mind happen. As I tell you about the two bull roasts I attended over the last two weekends, I think you will agree that we hit on all of the above!
Last spring I was part of a conversation with our Development Team and we were talking about how difficult it was to have successful fall events in Cougar Land because so many groups were having events at the same time. Our high school and elementary school co-sponosred a Bull Roast/Auction, our parish and schools together held a huge Fall Festival, and our Athletic Association held a Bull Roast--all within two months of each other. Our conversation touched on the awful economy, the cost to young families who needed not only ticket money but also babysitting dollars, and the difficulty of trying to pick among several worthy causes. In that conversation, an idea was born. Why not combine the two Bull Roasts and split the profits among the schools and Athletic Association? The fear was that in such a tough economy there would not be enough profit to satisfy the needs of all. It was a gamble to be sure!
So, the Bull Roast/Auction to benefit all three groups was held last weekend and it was a huge success in every way. The attendance was great--better than either single event. The food was fabulous thanks to the culinary skills of our chef in residence, Mr. Jim Moore. The auction had many donated items and there were even some deals to be had. Most of all, it was so much FUN!!! Laura Cummins, Katie Fitzpatrick and Tom Rose, our Development Team, did a fabulous job of creating an atmosphere of unity, commuity, and fun. They deserve a great deal of credit for the success of the night. The attendees, who came from all parts of our school and parsih families, deserve the same. So--the budget needs were met, people had a grand time, and everyone was reminded that working together often doesn't feel like work at all. Don't you love it when a good idea comes to fruition?
The second event happened this weekend and it was the Annual Michelle Lee Bevans Memorial Scholarship Bull Roast. This event is close to the hearts of many of us who knew Michelle, a high school student who died during her junior year after a five year battle with cancer. She was a courageous and wonderful girl who loved school, her friends, and cheerleading--probably not in that order! Her family (which includes not only her parents and brother, Dan, but also countless aunts, uncles, and cousins)works together to hold this event and several others each year to fund a scholarhsip in Michelle's honor. The scholarship assists students whose families are struggling with tuition in our elelmentary, middle, and high school. Over the years, thousands of dollars have been given and an endowed scholarship is being funded as well.
Many of Michelle's classmates, all grown up and some with children of their own, always come to the event. So do many of Michelle's teachers. They are joined by friends and family and the group is generally 300 or so strong. At each bull roast, in the midst of the fun, there is a remembrance of Michelle. This event hallmarks a courageous and faithful family who show us how love transcends all boundaries. We learn this as we enjoy great company, feast on endless food, drink our fair share of brew, and dance away the night. It is amazing how much can be accomplished when people work together. Sometimes it doesn't even seem like work at all. And, as we do so often, we have come full circle! I think that is the thought with which this saga began!!!

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