Saturday, February 27, 2010

It's Flex Time!

We returned from the blizzard with a week's worth of late starts. In a high school that means that all classes meet but for a shorter amount of time. So, students straggled into school by 9:45 a.m. and met quickly with all their teachers for about a half hour each and then went home. It was the end of the winter sports season and games were squeezed in where they could be and tournaments were modified to meet time constraints. All in all, it was not a perfect week! BUT, it was a week and we did accomplish something and perhaps learned a lesson that will be important in days to come.
In life, we need to learn to be flexible! Though things do not always go the way we plan, wish, or hope, they do move forward. At that point, we either "go with the flow" as some say or we become disgruntled, angry, and frustrated. I think the path of flexibility is the best. So, at school, we flew through that short week and just finished a more "normal" week with only one late start. All the events that were postponed because of weather have been re-scheduled and everyone is looking forward eagerly to them. Things tend to work out!
In a week or so, there will be a huge announcement about the future of Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The report is the result of a great deal of research, analysis of current data about our schools, and deep reflection on the vision and mission of the schools as a whole. I am certain the the report will result in the need to change so that we can best meet the needs of our current students and our future students. The plan will generate high emotions and there will be mighty changes that should eventually result in a better, stronger system of schools.
At that point, there will be many educators who will need to not only be flexible, they will need to be energized to move forward and implement the changes (sometimes as unexpected and unpredicatable as several blizzards in one week!) that are called for with dedication, skill, enthusisam and faith. Learning the lessons of flexiblilty in little ways in life sometimes prepares us to handle the bigger changes as well. We need to remember that things tend to work out. It is also important to believe that in matters of faith, mission, and vision, the Holy Spirit does work!
As we continue to deal with this "winter to remember" with flexibility and good spirit, we will also be called upon to deal with the bigger issues of our lives in that same positive way. Things will work out according to "the Plan"--even if the plan is not ours but His!

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