Sunday, July 25, 2010

Don't You Love It When a Plan Comes Together?

I have spent 27 summers at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel with sunny days filled with planning, meetings, ordering, moving materials,scrubbing, and renovating. Even in the midst of remembering all that work, this summer surely "takes the cake" so to speak! As the end of July approaches I do not think I can find one corner of the campus that is not in some state of upheaval! All this chaos, of course, will be resolved before our students return. It is important to focus on the upheaval as a means to the end of providing an even more positive Carmel experience for our kids. Let me share two big changes that seem, at last, to be coming together.
The first is the very exciting reconstruction of our web site. We will still be located at but the current parish part of the site will be on a separate but linked domain of Tom Rose, our Director of Institutional Advancement, and I have been meeting all summer with the owners of VIM Interactive, Pete Karabetis and Steve Fickus. These guys really know their stuff! Not only have they done sites for several of the schools under the Johns Hopkins umbrella, several local companies, and currently campaigning politicians, they are alumni of Mt. Carmel High School!
I am always so elated when our kids do well and these men are achieving SUCCESS with more than a capital S! It is very exciting and heart warming for me for these alums to be giving back ot our school in such a generous way. They are literally transforming our current rather static site to reflect the vibrancy of our programs, our commitment to kids, and the new Early Childhood thorugh grade twelve configuration of our school. At every level there is a plethora of information for current members of the community and for those searching for a great school for their children. The site will be easy to navigate, information rich, and pleasing to the eye. Pete and Steve have been patient with my lack of expertise in this area and I am so grateful for their help. After going through this astoundingly detailed process (and learning lots about information architecture and analysis of content!),I understand why web design is costly. Our new site will launch on September 1 (fingers crossed) and be ready for the new recruiting season as well as the beginning of school. Please take a look--It is going to be great! This renovation of the web site is a crucial part of our effort to meet people where they are in today's fast paced, information rich society. Thank you to VIM Interactive and to alums with a desire to give back!
The second project has to do with our library. Up until a few weeks ago, there was an under-utilized library in the elementary building and another library/media center in the the high school. Both areas needed attention and it seemed a good idea to combine them into one fabulous library/media/ learning area for our kids. Little did I realize at the time that idea was uttered, how work intensive it would be. Literally several thousand books needed to be relocated in order to paint, moved again in order to put down carpeting, and then reorganized according to a very speciifc organizational code. I rue the day Dewey invented that system! Thank goodnes for the many hours or service given by our high school students who cleaned, moved books, cleaned some more and then moved books again!
Given all that moving around , I think we have created something great. There is a reading room for younger children which houses their collection. There is one media room filled with brand new PC's and another quiet work room with reference materials and computers. All these smaller rooms are off the main library which is now bright, open and inviting. This resource space is one which "invites" students to work at learning. It is bright, clean, and (fingers crossed) will be ready for business when school starts. There is an Open House to see the new library on August 29 from 11:00a.m.-1:00 p.m. in the high school. Please come see the results of a good idea and lots of hard work!
These are two of the many initiatives that we have taken on this summer but they are two that are coming together! I hope you take a look at both and that you come to agree that all this work is really a labor of love which will provide great oppportunities for our kids--They deserve the best we have to give!

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