Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Opportunity Knocks and New Voices Resound

One of the positive aspects of my new job as President of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School is that I have the responsbility to share the great news about our school with others. Most of the time, I feel that I am "preaching to the choir" so to speak, because my listeners are often members of the Mt. Carmel community. I talk to parents, faculty, and students and often they already know the stories I am sharing. So, I was elated when Anna Renault, one of our Board members, invited me to be a guest on her blogtalk radio show. The topics included the benefits of Catholic education and, more specifically, the benefits of a Mt. Carmel education. I was in my glory!
Yesterday was the day that the live show aired. (Listeners can hear the show repeated at excitement turned to nervousness when I discovered that the show was two hours long. All who know me would agree that I have the "gift of gab" but two empty hours looked fairly daunting as we prepared to begin! I should have realized that talking about all the programs available at our school and our great students could be a VERY long converstation! I also took some support help! Kevin McDonough and Kory Puller, our Student Government Co-Presidents, joined me for the on-air interview. Kory and Kevin added comments and personal anecdotes that were not only accurate and interesting but also affirmed all that we were highlighting about our school.
The two hours flew along as we talked about our goals for the students, the 95% who attend college each year, the college classes they can take before they graduate, the tremendous amount of service they do at every grade level,and the great faculty and staff that enable them to achieve success. Anna Renault was adept as she led us from topic to topic and emphasized many of the ideas we were sharing with personal anecdotes of her own.
Anna is an example of a "Mt. Carmel lifer!" Anna's mother taught in the elementary school. Anna and her siblings attended the elementary school and the high school, and she is now a member of the parish as well as a recent appointee to the School Board. She writes for the local newspaper and is a published author of an autobiographical book called Anna's Journey,which chronicles her life and faith journey as she battled several bouts of cancer. Anna credits Catholic education with her excellent writing skills. She also exhibits, without even realizing it, a true spirit of generosity,endurance,and commitment. I would like to think that some of those great qualities were nurtured at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel as well. We were so grateful that Anna invited us to share our Mt. Carmel story on her show yesterday. The opportunity she provided allowed us to tell a broader audience about the education available at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel--We serve children from six weeks old through Pre-School at The Caring Place Childcare Center. We serve elementary aged children from kindergarten through grade five in our Lower School and students grade six through twelve in our Upper School! Anna surely gave us the megaphone, and I think that Kevin, Kory, and I became the "voice!"
So, yesterday was a learning day for me! I discovered two important things: First, generous people, like Anna, provide opportunities when we least expect them. Secondly, I learned that when you have a great story to tell, filling up two hours is easy! I hope that you take time to listen to at least some of what we had to share! (

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