Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Volunteerism at Its Best!

A few weekends ago I witnessed a miracle of sorts! The Fall Festival, which is months in the planning stages, happened with a convergence of perfect weather, hundreds of volunteers, and the good spirit of an entire community. In this age of "all for me" and "I am out for myself", the good spirit of that weekend renewed my faith in the power of people to do good for a cause in which they believe.
Our Fall Festival which has happened on the first full weekend of October since the mid-sixties has a dual purpose. First of all, it creates tremendous spirit in the community of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Every group in the school and parish sponsors multiple booths of games or food. Rides are rented from a local amusement firm and the parking lot is transformed into a fair. The Festival is a full weekend of events and volunteers take shifts to man the booths. Over the course of the weekend hundreds of people participate. There are games for young children where everyone is a winner everytime. There are games of chance for lucky adults and there is food in abundance. The pit beef is to die for and there is nothing better than fried dough with powdered sugar covering nose to chin once a bite is taken. Friday evening has been dubbed Alumni Night and this year we renewed our relationship with more than two hundred graduates of our school. They came with stories of jobs and opportunities,introduced us to new spouses and children and reminisced about their days on campus. The value of this Fall ritual is priceless and everyone who particpates feels the energy and excitement that I like to call "Carmel Spirit."
The second purpose of the Festival is that it generates funds to support our school. The Carmel community understands that education is everyone's repsonsibility and people young and old work together to make the event a success. This year, though final tallies are not available, the Festival will generate money that supports students, upgrades technology and helps us maintain our beautiful but aging buildings. There are some families--the Brotzmans, the Satterfields,the Bonners, the Webers, the Cummins who give above and beyond for the success of this venture. There are many who do their share and more. For all of these generous folks I am grateful. We surely can put the funds they generate to good use! We can also look to them as examples of volunteerism at its best--Young people can benefit from the example of these volunteers who give both their time and their treasure for something in which they believe--the community of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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